Therapy Dogs At School?

Welcome Back?

August marks the return to school for many teachers and students who have not been in the classroom in over a year. With the entire world still dealing with the COVID Pandemic, it is going to be more stressful for everyone than usual. Last August, the National Education Association found that 28 percent of educators said that the pandemic made them more likely to leave teaching.

NASSP is an organization that is trying to solve the stress with sending therapy dogs into schools. A 2019 study published by the National Institute of Health found that a dog present in the classroom promotes positive mood and provides significant anti-stress effects on the body.

Rex, Colorado’s Therapy Dog

Rex, a young black lab, has been working with Littleton Public School’s Resource Officer (SRO) Deputy John Gray to be ready to help relieve stress in schools. The press release from ACSO states, “Deputy Gray and and Rex will work with students with special needs, be a comfort to students in crisis or during times of stress and help those who suffer from anxiety or depression.”